The 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the ITC-SA unanimously endorsed the decision of its Board of Directors in 2020 to return the Institute to its core business of representing South Africa’s prefabricated timber roof truss industry.

The ground-breaking decision affirms the Institute for Timber Construction (ITC-SA’s) significant role in the country’s socio-economic development, states Erik Söderlund, the Institute’s General Manager.

He explains that no AGM was held last year due to the Covid-19 restrictions and the contemplation of the possible closure of the organisation.

“The processes of preparing for, scheduling and running this AGM complied with all aspects prescribed in the ITC-SA’s Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI), compiled according to the Companies Act,” says Söderlund.

“The main agenda items considered were the approval of the last two years’ financial statements, the appointment of the auditors and the approval of their costs, the election of new directors and, most importantly, the approval of the Special Resolution to amend the MOI.

“This amendment of the MOI was a critical part of formalising the board’s strategic decision in 2020 to return the ITC-SA to its roots and revert to exclusively representing the prefabricated timber roof truss sector.”

The key changes to the ITC-SA’s MOI involved clauses relating to categories of membership, the constituencies of Directors and improving specific administrative requirements for the holding of the AGM.

“In terms of the MOI, directors are required to stand for re-election every two years. This clause affected all the serving directors, and the members had to propose and ratify the election of a new Board of Directors,” explains Söderlund.

The newly-elected directors are Prof W Burdzik (representing Unilam), Mr C Juby (representing Mitek), Mr M Piyackis (representing ITS), Mr C van Noord (Fabricator) and Dr B Wakesa (Independent).

“We would like to thank the Institute’s members for their participation in the AGM and for those that made themselves available to serve as directors. We extend a special word of appreciation for their highly-valued service to the ITC-SA to the directors who chose not to stand again.”