What is a professional designation?

The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) recognises the Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA) as the Professional Body representing the Engineered Timber Roof Truss Sector in South Africa. It allows the ITC-SA to accredit five SAQA recognised Professional Designations: Certified Roof Erector Certified Roof Inspector Certified Roof Truss Designer Certified Roof Fabricator Accredited Timber…

The ITC-SA is a Non-Statutory Professional Body. What does that mean?

It is midway through the year and a good time to pause and reflect on the past six months and see whether your business is on track to achieve its mission and vision. Performance reviews form part of this process, with “professional” conduct often used as a performance descriptor. The Institute for Timber Construction South…

SAQA: What is a professional body?

A SAQA-accredited professional body must be a legally constituted entity with the necessary human and financial resources to undertake its functions, governed either by a statute, charter or a constitution and be compliant with and adhere to good corporate governance practices. A professional body has the intent to protect the public interest in relation to…