The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA), South Africa’s professional body for the engineered timber construction sector predicts an uptick in structural timber imports as a result of the recent spate of devastating fires in the Eastern Cape. As such, the Institute encourages the industry to remain fastidious in selecting and using structural timber that complies to SANS 1783 and is certified by one of the only two accredited bodies currently in South Africa: SATAS (South African Technical Auditing Services) and the SABS (South African Bureau of Standards) who certify product in compliance with SANS 1783.
During times of shortage of structural timber, it is as important as ever that standards are maintained and that all timber destined for the South African structural market is in compliance with SANS 1783. As such, it is expected that national as well as international manufacturers of structural timber destined for the South African market will be certified by a South African-based ISO 17065 accredited Certification Body which is also applicable to the neighbouring states, i.e. Swaziland and Zimbabwe.
We request that all members be aware of the compliance with national legislation and to not make use of timber imports that do not comply with the South African standards and requirements. Please ensure that timber that you acquire is marked and certified in accordance with SANS 1783.
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