Structural timber: Know your standard dimensions, truss types and profiles

South Africa’s unique climate,  combined with specie matching and genetic engineering conducted for over a century by local forestry and sawmilling industries, underpins the country’s structural lumber products as truly world class. With that, there are critical guidelines around standard dimensions of structural timber, truss types and their profiles that must be adhered to in…

Timber Roof Truss Building Regulations & Standards Workshop to launch in Overstrand

Architectural trends, increasing emphasis on energy efficiency and the continual development of new building materials all result in residential roof structures becoming increasingly complex. In a bid for greater clarity and understanding of building regulations as they apply to timber roof trusses, the Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA), in partnership with local roof…

Myths about timber construction: Setting the record straight

While timber construction has a relatively small footprint in South Africa, with its host of environmental and performance benefits, the building material is enjoying increasing popularity and interest among the general public and trade alike. Even so, misconceptions about timber as a construction material are still commonplace, limiting potential users from enjoying the manifold benefits…

ITC-SA Roof Estimator/Designer Courses open for registration

The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA), South Africa’s engineered timber construction industry body, offers estimators and designers in the nail-plated timber roof truss industry access to fundamental training through its Level 1 and 2 Estimator/Designer Courses. Registration for these courses is now open. Engineering software for roof trusses has seen rapid advancement over…

Local authorities key in enforcing National Building Regulation A19

The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA), the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) approved professional body for the engineered timber construction sector in South Africa, has successfully developed an inspectorate process to assist Local Authorities with National Building Regulation (NBR) compliance. A non-profit organization whose mandate it is to create and maintain standards in…