For individuals, being a member of the ITC-SA validates your professionalism and ethical accountability through your association with the values and standards that form the basis of the ITC-SA’s code of conduct.
Your ITC-SA membership demonstrates your proven technical competence in your field through academic qualification, work experience and continuous professional development.

Our SAQA recognised Professional Designations validate your specialised skills and knowledge, your adherence to the ethical standards enforced by the profession and acknowledge your commitment to maintaining that competence in the future.
Membership builds trust with clients and industry stakeholders, and has great potential to enhance your professional reputation, lead to improved career opportunities and give you greater influence within your organisation and the opportunity to connect with other professionals in the industry.
The ITC-SA offers the following memberships options to individuals
Accredited Timber Engineer
The Institute for Timber Construction (ITC-SA) gives recognition to ECSA registered professionals in the Civil Engineering discipline that have a background, interest and experience in timber roof structures.
Engineer members can obtain the SAQA recognised Professional Designation, Accredited Timber Engineer, through a peer review of the compliance with the requirements. In order to ensure full compliance with all provisions of both the Buildings Standards Act [Section 14 A] and the National Building Regulations [Regulation A19], these Accredited Timber Engineers may enter into a contractual agreement with the ITC-SA to appoint train and regularly re-train Certified Roof Inspectors to inspect erected timber roof structures on their behalf and issue the associated ITC-SA branded “A19” certificate.
The Institute for Timber Construction of South Africa (ITC-SA) gives recognition to Engineers registered with ECSA as Professional Engineers or as Professional Engineering Technologists in the Civil Engineering Discipline that have experience in the design and specification of timber roof truss structures, have an interest in developing this experience and knowledge and ascribe to the purpose of the ITC-SA.
Successful applicants will also be listed as Certified Roof Inspectors once they have completed the roof inspection workshop and reached an agreement to sign off roofs under an ITC-SA Accredited Timber Engineer. Engineer members need to have Professional Indemnity Insurance in place that includes Timber roof structures and have signed of at least three category A roofs under the mentorship of an ITC-SA Accredited Timber Engineer who has been a member for at least three years to be recognised as an Accredited Timber Engineer.
Certified Timber Roof Truss Designer
A Certified Timber Roof Truss Designer (timber roof structure) is a practicing designer who will traditionally come from the built environment and who must have passed the prescribed ITC-SA examinations as well as the prescribed System Software courses.
Prior experience in roof design and construction, and registration with the Engineering Council of South Africa as an Engineering Technician will be beneficial to the Certified Timber Roof Truss Designer, but will not be compulsory.
Certified Roof Erector
The Professional Designation of Certified Roof Erector is awarded to individuals that have a formal training background in Carpentry and have gained documented work experience and training in correctly erecting Prefabricated Roof Trusses.
Certified Roof Erectors also need to undergo routine audits by independent experts to ensure that their work remains fully compliant with all relevant standards.
Certified Roof Inspector
ITC-SA approved Engineers appoint and train Inspectors to inspect roof structures.
The Engineers accept responsibility for the design and structural stability of the roofs after inspection and approval of the roofs by the Inspectors. This process is in compliance with Regulation A19 of the National Building Regulations, which then enables the home owner to obtain an occupancy certificate from the local authority.
For further inquiries, or if you would like to arrange a presentation for your employees and or division, please do not hesitate to contact us: