The ITC-SA is a Non-Statutory Professional Body. What does that mean?

It is midway through the year and a good time to pause and reflect on the past six months and see whether your business is on track to achieve its mission and vision. Performance reviews form part of this process, with “professional” conduct often used as a performance descriptor. The Institute for Timber Construction South…

First regional meeting since 2019 motivates Western Cape members

The Western Cape members of the Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA) recently enjoyed an opportunity to meet while heeding the Covid-19 safety protocols. Neil de Villiers, the ITC-SA’s newly appointed Western Cape Regional Coordinator, chaired the well-attended Regional Meeting held in Cape Town on 27 May. It was a gathering of professionals from…

ITC-SA’s SAQA accreditation renewed

The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA), South Africa’s watchdog for the engineered timber construction sector, recently received renewed recognition from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) as a Professional Body. As a prominent custodian of the timber construction industry in South Africa, the ITC-SA is empowered, through its ongoing SAQA accreditation, to make…

No replacement for professional body

The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA) is South Africa’s professional body for the timber construction sector and has worked tirelessly in service of both the trade it represents and South African consumers for 45 years. As a professional body for the engineered timber construction industry, the ITC-SA’s vision is to create and maintain…

ITC-SA: Policy on Continuing Professional Development

The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA), the professional body for the engineered timber construction industry in South Africa, is responsible for regulating its professionally registered membership within the different categories of registration as was approved by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Registered persons are required by the ITC-SA Code of Conduct to…