Taking a stand for timber construction during COVID-19

The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA), the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) accredited Professional Body safeguarding the local timber construction industry for over 45 years, has taken several exceptional steps in supporting not only its membership, but the timber construction industry at large, as the country transitions to Level 3 of lockdown. Having…

ITC-SA’s SAQA accreditation renewed

The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA), South Africa’s watchdog for the engineered timber construction sector, recently received renewed recognition from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) as a Professional Body. As a prominent custodian of the timber construction industry in South Africa, the ITC-SA is empowered, through its ongoing SAQA accreditation, to make…

The Rands and cents of timber construction

The advantages that come with using timber in construction are numerous and while there are clear, refutable misconceptions relating to this building material in South Africa, views around its affordability – and potential for affordability – as a construction material are varied. By Jennifer Rees, Director of Haas&DAS Communications. The most commonly held misconceptions among…

Entries open for ITC-SA Timber Engineered Product Awards

The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA) is proud to be hosting its highly anticipated Annual Timber Engineered Product Awards again in 2018. As an opportunity to celebrate and reward excellence in the engineered timber construction industry, all ITC-SA members are invited to enter the Awards by submitting their project portfolios to the judging committee.…

Building a timber frame home?

Are you considering building a timber frame home or structure? A timber home is a significant investment, so it is important to do your research. We’ve listed just a few advantages of timber buildings to help you along your way. Timber structures: Act as carbon sinks Light and environmentally friendly Well suited to eco-sensitive, hard-to-reach…