In an effort to boost skills development in South Africa’s roofing industry, the Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA), the professional body for the engineered timber construction sector, will be hosting a CPD-accredited workshop on Understanding Roof Inspections in Johannesburg from 4 to 6 August 2020. 

Any person who is interested in expanding their knowledge and expertise in timber roof structures will greatly benefit from this informative workshop, which covers a comprehensive technical overview of prefabricated timber roof structures and the inspection thereof.  The Workshop aims to enable the individual to execute and apply their knowledge and skill in the interest of public safety, and to execute their work in accordance with general norms and regulations.

NOTE: All necessary precautions relating to sanitizing and social distancing will be adhered to during the course of the event. We ask that all attendees respect these and, in the interest of group safety, do not attend if they are experiencing any flu-like symptoms.  

Workshop Agenda


Day 1:

08:00 Registration
08:30 Basic roof terminology, including:

  • Rafters, tiebeams, webs
  • Gables, hips
  • Truncated hips, true span
  • Overhangs, cantilevers
  • Prefabricated/bolted methods
10:00 Tea/coffee
10:20 Basics of timber design, including loading and information on relevant codes. Permissible stress and limit state loading explained. Tributary loading.
12:30 Finger lunch
13:30 Bracing in roofs in general: Difference in lightly versus heavily loaded roofs. (Experience from the field through slides and pictures.)
15:00 Who is the ITC-SA? Role players and their different responsibilities in the timber structures roofing industry.
16:00 End of Day 1

Day 2:


08:30 Rafter bracing: Why different systems of bracing are necessary, study standard bracing details.
10:00 Tea/coffee
10:20 Tie-beam and web bracing: Standard bracing details. (Case studies of failures with pictures.)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Handling, transportation and storage of timber structures.
14:00 Discussion of paperwork required. Discuss who is responsible for paperwork.
14:45 Site visit to a timber roof under construction. (On-site guidance and discussion.)
16:00 End of Day 2

Day 3:

08:30 Second site visit (to a different site) to see a timber roof in distress and the effects of ineffective bracing.
10:00 Tea/coffee
10:20 Discussion of site observations
11:00 Discussion of ethics regarding roof inspection.
11:30 Q&A session
12:30 Finger lunch
13:00 Slide show of non-compliant roofs and the consequences
13:30 Assessment
16:00 End of Day 3


This workshop has been CPD accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) for 3 points. ECSA Validation No.: ITCSA-INS0817. All candidates will receive the ITC-SA manuals for roof inspections.

Note: On conclusion of workshop, candidates will receive a certificate of attendance.

Cost: R5800 excl. VAT
Date: 4-6 August 2020
Time: 8am – 4pm daily
Venue: SAFCA Building, 6 Hulley Road, Isando 1600

Limited to: 10 candidates per workshop

NB: Please ensure that you wear safety shoes for the site visits and that own transport is arranged for each day as well as to sites.


  • ITC-SA Bracing Manuals Volume 1
  • ITC-SA Bracing Manual Volume 2
  • Note Pad & Pen
  • Hard Hat & Reflector Vest

Please email the completed registration form along with proof of payment to