The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA) is responsible for regulating its professionally registered membership within the different categories of registration as was approved by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
Registered persons are required by the ITC-SA’s Code of Conduct to practice strictly within their area of competence and to maintain and enhance this competence. They therefore have the responsibility to keep abreast of developments and knowledge in their specific areas of expertise in order to maintain their competence. In addition to maintaining their own competence, they should strive to contribute to the advancement of the body of knowledge within which they practice, and to the profession in general.
The ITC-SA serves to protect the safety of the public by establishing and maintaining minimum standards of practice, knowledge and skills of registered professionals to ensure the upholding of prescribed industry norms and standards and to see to the maintenance of professional ethics among all designations.
The ITC-SA imposes a duty on a registered person to maintain his/her registration with ITC-SA. SAQA confers the power to the ITC-SA to determine conditions for renewal of registration. ITC-SA shall also determine conditions relating to continuing education and training. The discretion provided for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as a mechanism to determine renewal of registration gives the ITC-SA the opportunity to comply with both the renewal of registration and CPD requirements. However, it is not ITC-SA’s intention to ‘police’ each and every registered person’s career. ITC-SA’s point of departure will be to assist with the creation of a culture of CPD for all its professionally registered members.
The ITC-SA will therefore institute an electronic system for members to capture their CPD activity. This will be communicated to all members shortly on completion of the system.